Monday, September 28, 2009


Yesterday, as I was folding clothes on the washing machine, Kade walked up to the front of the clothes dryer and said "A, H, E, D, T, Y, V, another Y, U". (Heavy Duty) Not even two years old and he knows 17 of the 26 letters. He occasionally confuses the P and F.

He also knows his colors and is right 100% of the time if your ask him the color a red object - he immediately says "Red" no matter what.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

August 2009

Hot springs in Northern NM. August 2009. Picture taken just before he walked through a cactus.

Watching a show at a ranch near Santa Fe.

Messin with a goat.

Messin with old clothes washing stuff.

Throwing rocks.

Messin with a little horse.

Messin with a TeePee.

Playing puzzle with Grandma Debbie and Uncle Brian.

Frito Pie, Trees and Sate Fair

A big bowl of Frito Pie courtesy of Cassie.

Blue Spruce trees at night. September 2009.

Blue Spruce trees and patch of snow. September 2009.

All scratched up as usual. September 2009.

State Fair. September 2009.

Something didn't go right so he threw a fit.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Early Morning

September 4, 2009 (click on pictures to enlarge them)

6:04 am - I awake to Kade talking in his room. Miranda says he's been awake for half an hour.

6:09 am - I get out of bed to go peek in on him to see how he is getting out of his crib. He meets me in the hallway. I'm too late.

6:14 am - Kade is asking for oatmeal and Rudy is hopping around like he needs to pee. We all go downstairs.

6:15 am - I open the backdoor and Rudy goes out. As I am getting a treat for Rudy, Kade steps outside into the darkness and I hear him saying "Brrr, Brrr". It must be a little cool this morning.

6:17 am - Rudy and Kade come back inside and I hand the treat to Kade to give to Rudy. He quickly throws it behind the couch. I move the couch, get the treat and give it back to Kade. He throws it into the bathroom. Rudy goes in and eventually finds the treat.

6:20 am - Put Kade in chair and make him oatmeal. This is breakfast number one.

6:45 am - Clean oatmeal off of floor, table and out of Kade's hair.

6:50 am - Kade goes upstairs to see what Mama is doing.

7:15 am - Miranda makes toast for Kade.

7:45 am - Kade goes to daycare. Miranda and I go to work to get some rest!

ps - The scratch on Kade's head is minor and is just a scratch.